30 January 2008

spring lanterns

...and something to look forward to: I'm working on opening shop on dawanda! It's not quite done yet (have to figure out the terms and conditions and other serious stuff) but one thing's for sure: there will be lanterns hanging all over the place! Or at least these:

spring lanterns!

...iets om naar uit te kijken: ik ben bezig aan een webwinkeltje op dawanda! Nog even de formele dingen uitpluizen, daar ben ik geen held in, maar dan...een feestje met lantaarntjes! :-D

earthy leafy aarghh...

De nieuwe site is er! Het was bijna een jaarlijks ritueel om het uitzicht en deels ook de inhoud van aarghh te veranderen/verbeteren, maar deze keer denk ik dat het wel wat langer in deze vorm gaat blijven!

Jippie, the new & improved website is finally online! I've worked on it since november or so, only never full time, just bits and pieces that I was finally able to glue together last week. (Being down with flu can give all sorts of inspirations...!)
And I love the new look! Well, I'd better because I worked hard on it... it's earthy and organic and tactile ...and more importantly, you can finally surf through the whole thing without ending up before closed doors: web pages I intended to make or to finish since aeons but never quite got to it, or getting lost in the forest where I had just pages opening up to new realms, with links on it that didn't get you home again unless you used your browser's back button all the time... Nope: some structure, at last! Yay.

You know, a personal website can be organic, growing in certain places and retreating in others...mine started out as a challenge: when I finally got internet in 2001, Lotte asked me jokingly when my site would be online...I was so surprised, had hardly gotten my toes wet, still marveling at everything I encountered ("oh look, an animated gif!!!" -you know...) when she patiently taught me the basics and some photoshop and then suddenly...I ended up on aarghh. :-p The website sure has been a playground for me ever since!
I have the feeling this new coat is a keeper -the looks and contents have changed quite often over the years because the purpose of the site changed, in 2001 I wouldn't have dreamt I'd be where I am now and so the site changed from personal growth/survivor page into this artist site. And it feels damn good. ;-)

One little project within the site is play, where I got to put some of the remains of the site's former form. It's just a start but I'm having lots more wild ideas for it (well, what's new! LOL): colour as an affect, an archetype of something, as a sound and a smell...

P.S. I don't have all the English translations up yet, on the bio page and the one on the jewelry collections, sorry about that! Working on it. ;-)

07 January 2008

happy happy

A little late, but it's still January... I wish you all a gorgeous, joyful year full to the brim with goodies! ;-)