07 November 2011

Lost at E minor*

A musical analysis due tomorrow:  The 1st part, an Allegro poco, from Vivaldi's bassoon concerto RV 484 in E minor. Have a listen:

I used to be good at this! Now I'm mostly staring at the black mass of notes with a rather puzzled expression on my face. Authentic cadences where? I-IV-V-I which way? My musical abilities are getting rusty! Oh well, I'll just have to work a little harder than before (and I'm not quite used to that...LOL).

It's for one of the few musicological courses left on my curriculum for my BA in musicology which I hope to get next (school) year. I'm considering to take on another major, in Fine Arts so I could at least do some research on glass, but I'll have to find out if that's realistic.

*Lost a E Minor is actually a blog on art & design! If you're in need of inspiration and food for thought, that's the place to be.

I'd better get off the internets and back to work now...

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